Guidelines for the Use of Language Analysis in Relation to Questions of National Origin in Refugee Cases

June 2004 / Herausgegeben von einer internationalen Gruppe von LinguistInnen aus Australien, Belgien, Großbritannien, Holland, Schweden und den U.S.A.
Publisher: International Journal of Speech Language and the Law
Download: Guidelines
Gezeichnet von:
Jacques Arends, Lecturer in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Jan Blommaert, Professor of African Linguistics and Sociolinguistics, Ghent University, Belgium.
Chris Corcoran, PhD student, Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago, USA.
Suzanne Dikker, Research Assistant, De Taalstudio, the Netherlands.
Diana Eades, Associate Professor, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i, USA.
Malcolm Awadajin Finney, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Long Beach, USA.
Helen Fraser, Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University of New England, Australia.
Kenneth Hyltenstam, Professor, Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Marco Jacquemet, Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, University of San Francisco, USA.
Sheikh Umarr Kamarah, Assistant Professor, Department of Languages and Literature, Virginia State University, USA.
Katrijn Maryns, Research Associate, National Science Foundation Flanders, Department of African Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Belgium.
Tim McNamara, Professor, Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Fallou Ngom, Assistant Professor of French and Linguistics, Western Washington University, USA.
Peter L Patrick, Professor of Linguistics, Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex, UK.
Ingrid Piller, Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, Australia.
Vincent De Rooij, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Jeff Siegel, Associate Professor, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University of New England, Australia.
John Victor Singler, Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics New York University, USA.

Maaike Verrips, Director, De Taalstudio, the Netherlands

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